It’s estimated that when a large blood vessel supplying the brain is blocked, more than one million brain cells are irreversibly lost each minute that passes. This makes stroke one of the most time-sensitive...
Teens can experience persistent sadness, just like grown-ups. Their feelings might affect how they socialize with friends and engage in everyday activities. Helping your child with their mental health challenges can be...
Have you ever wondered about your brain’s amazing ability to keep track of your to-do list and guide you through a busy day? It seems effortless, but your working memory is the unsung hero behind the scenes, reacting...
Bell’s palsy and stroke both affect facial muscles, but are distinct conditions that differ in symptoms, severity, and recovery. Recognizing the unique signs of these conditions is vital for seeking timely and...
Navigating concerns about your health can be overwhelming, especially when facing the life-threatening impact of a blood clot in the brain. Understanding how clots develop and their impact is vital for recognizing early...
Every year, about 30,000 people in the United States suffer a brain aneurysm rupture, with one occurring every 18 minutes. Although they are two distinct conditions, a ruptured aneurysm in the brain can cause a life...
Living with Parkinson’s Disease can be challenging. However, by making small changes to your routine, you can preserve physical function and improve quality of life. Adjustments to diet, exercise, and sleep...
It’s perfectly normal to be concerned about tics, or involuntary repetitive motions, in yourself or your child. While “anxiety tics” is not a medical term and anxiety itself does not cause tics, tics can...
Suicide is occurring at an alarming rate in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2022, the U.S. had the highest number of suicide deaths ever recorded. Among...